Sunday, February 14, 2010

Heart shaped Pancakes?

That's right, that's what that's supposed to be:)

Something I was successful at was the chocolate dipped strawberries. YUM!



kimberlee said...

Well look at you, Ms. Stewart! Those strawberries look yummy!!!

Em said...

Such the little homemaker!

Anonymous said...

hA! i wanna pancake!! you guys love pancakes in the morning! was hyrum even there to enjoy the delish? or working...

Judd Sarah and Jackson said...

Your strawberries look beautiful! I don't know about you, but on this side of Idaho it's 5 dollars for one little plastic carton thingy of strawberries. Even for this special occation I just COULDN'T talk myself into spending that much. But now I wish I would have. I hope they were good!

Ralph and Claudia said...

In all my years, I never even imagined a pink pancake. Have you checked with Guinness? This has got to be a first. You join the ranks of the great inventors and cooks. Way to go Madam Curie-Julia Childs!