Monday, February 9, 2009

Here and theres

With Hyrum done with the Academy it was time to celebrate! My sister-in-law Shawna called and put together a surprise dinner last Sat at Texas Road House. I told Hyrum it was time for us to go on a date and kept pushing for Texas Road House, but he was thinking somewhere a little more frugal, so it was tough getting to the restaurant. When we finally got there I told the hostess that we were there for a surprise dinner for my husband and to talk quietly. I asked where our table was and she got on her tippy toes and pointed to where everyone was. I knew Hyrum saw that. So I tried to convince him she told me where the bathroom was and asked him to come with me. He was so confused as to why I couldn't go to the bathroom by myself, but still followed me over. When we got to our table everyone yelled, "SURPRISE!!!" and gave him his HUGE balloons. I'm so excited for everyone to come in March for his grad ceremony so we can really party hardy! Thanks be to those who helped and came to the dinner, you guys are so sweet for doing that!

I just picked up another day at work, but before I did I was only working 3 days a week, so I had some free time. I made bread from scratch for the first time all by myself (Mom, don't tell anybody I called you a bazillion times while making it). I've made lots of banana bread, but never the real deal in my own kitchen. Our house isn't warm enough to have bread rise on its own so I had to stick it in the oven. I would love to make bread every day, but first I need a bread maker. Maybe I shouldn't make it every day cause I could eat the whole loaf in about 10 min.

Next project I did was quilt making. Never have I ever peiced together a quilt. I did it with a friend from the ward, and we spent time getting to know each other while cutting and measuring squares and then sewing them together and laying out the pattern, then sewing together more. I had to go before the border, or trim or whatever you call it was put on.After we sew a couple more things on we are donating to D.I. Call me selfish, but I totally wanted to keep it for myself:)


Em said...

Yeah for Hyrum! How fun to have a suprise dinner party. Family is awesome about doing that kind of stuff! Marge way to go on the homemade bread! I totally want a breadmaker too! Oh yummy. And the quilt- AWESOME! I've never tried to make one that is a big pattern like that- I like to stick to the easy ones where I can stick my squares where ever. Now that I know that you how to sew- we are totally going to have to make a quilt together! Oh we miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

wow margaret, look at you making friends and being all domestic! impressive. i call the next quilt you make. thanks for sharing your latest endeavors and for making the rest of us look bad.

Ralph and Claudia said...

Can't wait to join the grad party! The quilt is huge! Nice work. We'll be looking forward to that home-made bread!

AJordan said...

Margaret Mormon. You little bread-makin', quilt-conncoctin' princess. I'm impressed. The quilt is really pretty. I wouldn't want to give it up either!

Marin said...

Way to go Margaret! Love the quilt! Wish we could have been there to CELEBRATE Hyrum being done!!! I love the way you caught that Seinfeld was on!!! hee hee. Its our tradition to watch Seinfeld almost every lunch break... I know, we are such bums! Miss you guys! Keep baking, and sewing, you little Homemaker you!

Marin said...

Oh and you and Laura look great!! I love your HAIR!!! Is texas road house the place where they give you those YUMMY ROLLS with Cinnamon-butter!!???? I love that place. I have only been once and it was sooo good!