WE ARE FINALLY IN IDAHO!! Acually, not yet. Im sitting in Lauras apt waiting for Hyrum to pull into Meridian with a trailer full of all our goodies. But still! We are almost here...officially! We can't move into a 2 bed 2 bath apt till October 17th. I cant wait for the oppertunity to get out of basement apts with teeeny tiny windows. Im movin up in the world to the full size windows!!! boo yeah! So, if you get bored in California, Utah, Arizona or Michigan please feel free to come pick potatoes with us in Boise! Thanks be to the Jordans and the Wilsons for being our storage providers. They are the nicest ever!!!!
Glad you made it this far. I like the pic of the fire truck. Hope that's not the only one they have.
I am not a big fan of potatoes, but I love french fries. I mean if its fried and greasy to hide the taste, then I love it. . .I have never been to Idaho. I should come visit and then I could say I have been to Idaho and I have been to see Margaret in Idaho.
AHHHH Margaret I am sooooo EXCITED for you guys! I can't believe your in IDAHO!! I'm ready to pick (I LOVE potatoes, Justin and I eat them almost every night!) Haa ha! Say bye bye to those depressing days with a house full of darkness and NO DAYLIGHT!! Basements are cozy but they can be depressing to! I'm excited for your FULL SUNNY windows! Please post pictures of the new place after you add your Margie moula to the place! I have pics of our place but need to post them! Way to go on the cute blog. your getting really creative with this stuff. how did you get those cute fire trucks on the side??? WAY FUN!
you forgot to mention you are closer to your coolest sister ever...
I miss you. Come back!
I wish I looked that good in a bikini!! I can't wait to see pics of your new place. I also love the picture of the fire truck!
so I am ready to hear how the adjustment to life in Idaho is going! So fun that you guys get to go up there!
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